# Fingerprint Object

This page describes Fingerprint schema and meaning of the fields.

# Fingerprint


Fingerprint object describing what the browser should spoof. If a field is null, the spoofing of it is disabled. Object schema:

# navigator

Object Nullable

  • autoUserAgent String Nullable Recommended - this field indicates that OS specific fields in navigator object must be set automatically. If this field is set, userAgent, clientHints, platform and osType fields will have no impact. Setting this field is recommended because this way profile's UserAgent and CH Platform Version will be always up-to-date. Possible values are:
    windows7 - Windows 7
    windows8 - Windows 8
    windows8.1 - Windows 8.1
    windows10 - Windows 10
    windows11 - Windows 11

    linux - Linux

    macos10 - macOS Catalina
    macos11 - macOS Big Sur
    macos12 - macOS Monterey
    macos13 - macOS Ventura
    macos - current newest version of macOS (Ventura)

  • userAgent String Nullable - full navigator.userAgent string
  • clientHints Object Nullable - object containing fields that are needed to spoof CH headers. The schema is:
    • versionNumber String Nullable - Chrome full version number, e.g. 106.0.5249.103
    • cpuArch String Nullable - CPU architecture, x64 or arm
    • platform String Nullable - CH Platform, should be one of Windows, Linux or macOS
    • platformVersion String Nullable - CH Platform version. OS version string in the form of three numbers separated by dots, e.g.:
      0.1.0 - Windows 7
      0.2.0 - Windows 8
      0.3.0 - Windows 8.1
      10.0.0 - Windows 10
      14.0.0 - Windows 11

      12.6.4 - macOS Monterey
      13.3.0 - macOS Ventura

      5.15.0 - Linux
  • platform String Nullable - navigator platform, should be one of: Win32, MacIntel or Linux x86_64
  • osType String Nullable - should be one of Windows, Linux or Mac OS X.

  • languages String Nullable - languages separated by comma in form of en-US,en. Do not include any q=0.9
  • deviceMemory Int Nullable - RAM memory. With newer versions of Chrome, values greater than 8 don't take effect. The maximum value you will get in the browser is 8.
  • hardwareConcurrency Int Nullable - number of virtual cores.

# screen

Object Nullable

  • height Int
  • width Int
  • colorDepth Int - in most cases you should use 24.

# geoSwitch

Int Nullable

Int flag describing how to spoof Geolocation. Possible values are:

  • 0 - turned off (default if field is null)
  • 1 - will be resolved automatically
  • 2 - will be taken from geo field

# geo

Object Nullable

Geolocation object with the following schema:

  • timeZone Object - Time Zone string of form America/Los_Angeles, Europe/London

# networkSwitch

Int Nullable

Int flag describing how to spoof Network. Possible values are:

  • 0 - turned off
  • 1 - will be hardcoded to 4G, RTT 50ms, 10mb/s (default if field is null)
  • 2 - will be taken from network field

# network

Object Nullable

Network object with information about your connection:

  • effectiveType String - most probably you would want to set it to 4g.
  • rtt String - approximate Round Trip Time. Can be 0 (information not available), 50, 100 or 150.
  • downlink Float - connection speed in megabytes per second.

# webRTCSwitch

Int Nullable

Int flag describing how to spoof WebRTC. Possible values are:

  • 0 - turned off (default if field is null)
  • 1 - will be resolved automatically
  • 2 - will be taken from webRTC field

# webRTC

Object Nullable

WebRTC fields that will be used if your device leaks IP addresses. Will have no effect if it doesn't. You can also use IPv6 addresses.

  • public String - public IP address of form
  • local String - IP address in private network, e.g.,,

# spoofWebGL

Boolean Nullable

Whether to spoof WebGL Image. Value of null has the same effect as false.

# spoofCanvas

Boolean Nullable

Whether to spoof Canvas. Value of null has the same effect as false.

# spoofAudioContext

Boolean Nullable

Whether to spoof AudioContext. Value of null has the same effect as false.

# webGL

Object Nullable

Object with fields to spoof WebGL Metadata:

  • renderer String
  • vendor String

# mediaDevices

Array<Object> Nullable

Array of media device objects. Here's its schema:

  • isInput Boolean
  • isAudio Boolean
  • seed Int - 4 byte random integer.

Fields isInput and isAudio define what this device is. E.g. microphone would have isInput=true and isAudio=true, but speaker would have isInput=false and isAudio=true.

Field seed is a bit tricky. You should set identical seed values to devices that are physically connected. E.g. if you have headphones with microphone - you would still have two separate media device objects, but they would have the same seeds. If, for example, you want to imitate laptop with built-in speaker, mic and webcam, you would have three devices with identical seeds.

There are some examples:

  "mediaDevices": [
      "isInput": false,
      "isAudio": true,
      "seed": -657123
  "mediaDevices": [
      "isInput": true,
      "isAudio": true,
      "seed": 8328
      "isInput": true,
      "isAudio": false,
      "seed": 8328
      "isInput": false,
      "isAudio": true,
      "seed": 8328
  "mediaDevices": [
      "isInput": true,
      "isAudio": true,
      "seed": -92481
      "isInput": false,
      "isAudio": true,
      "seed": 51754

# fonts

Object Nullable

Object describing spoofing of fields. Basically there are three predefined presets: windows, linux and macos. So if you just want to set Windows fonts, set preset to windows and custom to empty array.

  • preset String - preset name. Should be windows7, windows10, windows11, linux, macos or empty string. You can also set it to windows, and it will be resolved automatically from Navigator properties.
  • custom Array<String> - array of custom font families, e.g. Arial, Tahoma. Values are case-insensitive.

# toggles

Object Nullable

  • battery Boolean - spoof battery as if you were using PC. Sets battery level to 100% and shows as it is charging.
  • speech Boolean - spoof SpeechSynthesis API as if you were using Google Chrome.
  • supportedMedia Boolean - spoof supported media types as if you were using Google Chrome.